Constitución, globalización y voluntad popular en el siglo XXI
Universidad de Murcia
ISSN: 2386-6098
Argitalpen urtea: 2017
Zenbakien izenburua: Fundamentos filosóficos para la política contemporánea
Zenbakia: 7
Orrialdeak: 106-127
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Pensamiento al margen: revista digital sobre las ideas políticas
This article tries to analyze the notable impact of the globalization on the sovereignty of the peoples, the democratic system, the Human rights and, in sum, the set of props that have supported the constitutionalism from his emergence at the end of the 18th century and up to the current days. Equally, and simultaneously that we examine the effects of the globalization, we seek to offer alternatives to the destruction of the rights and political principles that in the last centuries have been allowing an imperfect but progressive civil empowerment and a recognition every time major of the dignity of every member of the political community. All this from the conviction of which the republican thought that for so many centuries has inspired the constitutionalism, is today the only route to save it.
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