Indefinido no fijo. Últimos pronunciamientos a la luz del caso Diego Porras
Universidad de Murcia
ISSN: 2254-3171
Argitalpen urtea: 2017
Zenbakia: 7
Orrialdeak: 53-68
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista de información laboral
The recent judgment of the CJEU of 14 September 2016, under whieh the Spanisn State is ordered to pay compensation equivalent to the termination of an indefinite contraet in the event of terminatíon of an interim contraet, raise a number of practical issues pending of answer. In this paper, we analyze the possible extension of these eompensatory effects to the indefinite non-fixed contracts that have arisen within the Public Administrations, due to the great similarity they maintain with the interim contracts.