Versión reducida del cuestionario CMA de Metas para Adolescentes (CMA-R)

  1. López Mora, Clara 1
  2. González Hernández, Juan 1
  3. Garcés de los Fayos Ruiz, Enrique Javier 1
  4. Portoles Ariño, Alberto
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia

    Universidad de Murcia

    Murcia, España


Revista de investigación educativa, RIE

ISSN: 0212-4068 1989-9106

Any de publicació: 2017

Volum: 35

Número: 2

Pàgines: 445-464

Tipus: Article

DOI: 10.6018/RIE.35.2.226461 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDIGITUM editor

Altres publicacions en: Revista de investigación educativa, RIE


The individual´s behavior is regulated by objectives that reflect a conception of himself and the environment. Knowing the motivations that trigger the behavior of human beings in a particular direction is extremely interesting and even more so if we are able to determine patterns and relationships with the rest of the characteristics that make up a person. The aim of this study was to develop a smaller version of the Goals Questionnaire for Adolescents (CMA; Sanz de Acedo, Ugarte,&Lumbreras, 2003) for use in detecting the adolescents´ goals. Using CFA to analyze the three- dimensional structure of the Goals of a sample of 1385 members, 694 Men (51.1 %) and 691 women (49.9 %), mean age scammers analyzed 15.13 years (SD = 1.88) . The results indicate that both the original version as reduced the CMA (CMA- R) have a solid and adequate psychometric properties. The levels of internal consistency for the various subscales of the original range between .875 and .664; for the short version .845 and .656.  The correlations between the subscales of both versions are high and statistically significant.

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