Las habilidades no cognitivas ante la exclusión socioeducativaevisión del estado de la cuestión

  1. Ramón Mínguez Vallejos 1
  2. Marina Pedreño Plana 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia.
Edetania: estudios y propuestas socio-educativas

ISSN: 0214-8560

Année de publication: 2016

Número: 50

Pages: 33-51

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Edetania: estudios y propuestas socio-educativas


The Non-Cognitive Skills constitute a research area, still emerging in the Spanish context, which provides explanatory keys on academic performance. When academic achievement students turn out insufficient and perpetuated throughout educational stages it might end up entailing problems related to educational exclusion. Therefore, the present study aims to find out whether training in these skills could shape a preventive and effective response to potential situations of failure or dropping out. After exposure of the main theoretical background in the field of Non-Cognitive Skills and socio-educational vulnerability, an overview that brings together scientific contributions on the topic between 2010 and 2015 is presented. Based on the principles of Evidence-Based Education (EBE), a qualitative systematic review is performed in which a rigorous and explicit search procedure is used to focus on potentially relevant information. Six studies finally analyzed exhibit significant differences in the design type and the variables considered. Nevertheless, they demonstrate the possibility of lessen the academic achievement gap that different socio-economic contexts generate, by compensating possible initial deficits and stimulating skills that facilitate the long-term academic performance. Finally, it concludes considering how early educational intervention in Non-Cognitive Skills may constitute the axis from which the students in a vulnerable situation promote in the education system.

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