La investigación formativa en ambientes ubicuos y virtuales en Educación Superior
- Cristian Velandia-Mesa 1
- Francisco Serrano-Pastor 2
- María José Martínez-Segura 2
Universidad El Bosque
Universidad de Murcia
ISSN: 1134-3478
Year of publication: 2017
Issue Title: E-innovación en la educación superior
Issue: 51
Pages: 9-18
Type: Article
More publications in: Comunicar: Revista Científica de Comunicación y Educación
The training in research is fundamental in the quality of higher education and within this context, the technological mediation becomes pivotal to reach the student-centered learning objectives in any moment and at any time. The findings of a study, whose purpose has been to evaluate the results of the formative research of two groups of students that have interacted in learning environments (E-learning y U-learning), are presented. The research follows a quasi-experimental study with a design of chronological series and multiple treatment, framed in three stages that were defined as referencing, systematization, and analysis. The sample has been constituted by 189 students of 4th year degree in Childhood Education, at Universidad El Bosque in Bogotá, Colombia. The results reveal that U-learning environments strengthen and consolidate the formative research as a permanent process to learn educational research through the personalization, adaptation, and the situational learning, marking meaningful differences with respect to E-learning environments during the systematization stage. The intervention with U-learning environments has brought challenges and needs in the academic curriculum such as strengthening the link between evaluation and educational research in the field of professional practice, as well as the inclusion of technology to the end of making it something natural, adaptable, and interoperable, in a way that students would use it without even thinking about it.
Funding information
Este trabajo ha recibido apoyo de la Universidad El Bosque (Bogotá, Colombia); la Vicerrectoría de investigaciones y la Facultad de Educación en el programa Pedagogía Infantil en el que colabora el Departamento de Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación de la Universidad de Murcia (España), a través de su programa de Doctorado en Educación de la Escuela Internacional de Doctorado; y el grupo de investigación: Educación e Investigación UNBOSQUE Colciencias.Bibliographic References
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