Dependencia al entrenamiento y competición en corredores de fondo en ruta

  1. Francisco Ruiz-Juan 1
  2. Antonio Zarauz Sancho 3
  3. Gabriel Flores-Allende 2
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia. España.
  2. 2 Universidad de Guadalajara. México
  3. 3 I.E.S. Azcona de Almería. España.
Cultura, ciencia y deporte

ISSN: 1696-5043

Year of publication: 2016

Volume: 11

Issue: 32

Pages: 149-155

Type: Article

DOI: 10.12800/CCD.V11I32.714 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Cultura, ciencia y deporte

Sustainable development goals


In a large sample of half marathon runners, their commitment, negative addiction to run and main training habits as well as the influence of the latter in their dependence was analyzed. In addition to valuable data describing their training habits, it was found that the commitment were high, especially in women, and their negative addiction were middle, no significant differences by sex and lower than that obtained in previous studies in marathoners. From descriptive data we conclude, first, that the greater commitment of women compared to men is due to the greater time dedicated to training and, second, that the lower negative addiction is due both to the greater concern by looking for a coach and years training, and the fewer miles and days per week half marathon runners regarding marathon. In subsequent analysis we obtain that the variable which seems to have more importance regarding why a runner half maratón goes from being healthily committed to their sport to be pathologically addicted to it, is the number of miles that trains each week, so long as if it were low in both men and women, it increases a healthy compromise, meanwhile if it is higher in men, their negative addiction increases. In women, in addition to afore mentioned weekly mileage, it has been outlined that a greater IMC has a paramount importance to increase the compromise and reduce the addiction.

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