Características y comparativa de los productores de alimentos ecológicos en el sureste de EuropaEl caso de la región de Murcia, España

  1. Federico Martínez-Carrasco Pleite
  2. Rita Schwentesius-Rindermann
  3. Jose M. Martínez-Paz
  4. Manuel Á. Gómez-Cruz

ISSN: 1405-3195 2521-9766

Any de publicació: 2009

Volum: 43

Número: 6

Pàgines: 649-657

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Agrociencia


The Region of Murcia (Spain) has one of the main areas of organic fruit and vegetable production in Europe, with extensions for some products of between 10 and 20 % of the country's organic agriculture surface. This work contains a survey carried out on 106 farmers, along with a typology of organic cultivations. First, an analysis was performed by conglomerates on the variables of each company, distinguishing small and large ones; later, using logistic regression models, an analysis was carried out on the characteristics that define the groups of farmers, the first one being the least professional but most environmentally aware farmers. The typology found of these farmers suggests the interest for more differentiated development policies for organic farming.

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