The educational landscape of the digital ageCommunication practices pushing (us) forward

  1. de Oliveira, Janaina
  2. Henriksen, Danah
  3. Castañeda, Linda
  4. Marimon, Marta
  5. Barberà, Elena
  6. Monereo, Carles
  7. Coll, César
  8. Mahiri, Jabari
  9. Mishra, Punya
RUSC. Universities and Knowledge Society Journal

ISSN: 1698-580X

Year of publication: 2015

Issue Title: Número especial: nous escenaris d'aprenentatge des d'una visió transformadora

Volume: 12

Issue: 2

Pages: 14-29

Type: Article

DOI: 10.7238/RUSC.V12I2.2440 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: RUSC. Universities and Knowledge Society Journal

Sustainable development goals


This paper identifies trends in the emerging models of knowledge production available in our society. We suggest it is crucial not only to be aware of these emerging models but also to be open to opportunities and possibilities that may still develop. We consider how people may express different levels of solidarity and commitment to these trends and models in their information consumption and distribution processes. We discuss how educators are now engaging in profound pedagogical renewal by expressing deeper levels of solidarity and commitment to knowledge production and educational projects through professional and personal interactions. These interactions are producing pedagogical models that allow both teachers and learners to become knowledgeable while simultaneously breaking away from domain conventions. These bottom-up pedagogies foster creativity, collaboration and the use of new digital tools. They are driven by learner interests and, as such, have the potential to bring the joy back into the learning process. Finally, we argue that emerging models of knowledge construction mediated by ICT provide new cultural landscapes and ecologies of learning that disrupt traditional inscriptions of individual identities and racial-cultural affinities.

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