Génesis de tormentas severas y su incidencia en la región de Murcia

  1. Espín Sánchez, David
  2. Romero Díaz, María Asunción
Investigaciones Geográficas (España)

ISSN: 0213-4691 1989-9890

Ano de publicación: 2014

Número: 62

Páxinas: 67-81

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.14198/INGEO2014.62.05 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Outras publicacións en: Investigaciones Geográficas (España)


south-east of the Iberian Peninsula. In such conditions, due to the displacement of convective nuclei, the river basins and flood valleys are prone to severe weather activity, such as torrential rainfall, hail or electrical discharges. One of the most threatening systems, the supercell, usually occurs during summer or late summer, when the land is very warm, accompanied by high indices of wind shear and helicity. In this contribution, we analyse these factors and the most recent situations of convective instability recorded in the province of Murcia (SE Spain) in recent years. The part of the province most affected by severe storms was the northern zone, mainly due to shortwave troughs and cold vortices from arctic / polar maritime sources. We use data from surface weather stations and the atmospheric soundings available in the region, particularly those that measure temperature, vertical thermal stratification and indicators of atmospheric instability. The correlations obtained between the different storm variables revealed, for example, a good relation between altitude and the number of stormy days but not severe storms

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