Una revisión de los modelos de gestión de la ausencia y el retorno al trabajo desde el enfoque psicológico

  1. Villaplana García, María D.
  2. García Izquierdo, Mariano
  3. Meseguer de Pedro, Mariano
Trabajo: Revista iberoamericana de relaciones laborales

ISSN: 1136-3819

Year of publication: 2013

Issue Title: A la búsqueda de la felicidad en el trabajo

Issue: 28

Pages: 55-67

Type: Article

More publications in: Trabajo: Revista iberoamericana de relaciones laborales


Absenteeism is conduct that involves non-presence in the company of the worker when you were expected to attend. In Spain, the rate of absences that responds to this concept is included in the recognized legally as due to "occasional cause') notably because of its high frequency the absence justified by reasons of health, i.e. the temporary disability (IT). The great social relevance of absenteeism from, work contrasts with the difficulty of finding an explanation for this problem. Approaches from which its analysis has been addressed (e.g., sociological, health, legal, economic, psychological) even though they have enriched their knowledge, they have of course a disadvantage to agree on its definition and measurement. One of these points of view is psychological (mainly from the psychology of work and organizations, and the occupational health psychology). The aim of this paper is to review from the point of view of the psychology of different explanatory models of absence and return to workfor reasons of health with the objective of summarizing and order findings to come to an understanding of this phenomenon. To achieve this objective they are sorted and reviewed various models and approaches to the processes of absence and return to work. It ends with explanations of models derived from human resources management applications.

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