Factorías del crimenMéxico y Colombia, oleadas o persistencia de la violencia

  1. García García, Alejandro
Sociología Histórica: Revista de investigación acerca de la dimensión histórica de los fenómenos sociales

ISSN: 2255-3851

Year of publication: 2013

Issue Title: Sociología de la producción intelectual en España y Francia (1940-1990)

Issue: 2

Pages: 355-380

Type: Article

More publications in: Sociología Histórica: Revista de investigación acerca de la dimensión histórica de los fenómenos sociales


Mexico lives a wave of violence derived from drug traffic where the north border is point it out as the epicentre. This phenomenon has generated structural pathologies that during decades are endemic: institutional corruption, buried violence and social exclusion. Actually, a novel"grammar" of terror is trying to discipline the citizenship in the acceptance of a new order. Are we dealing with a temporal phenomenon? Colombia's history has been showing that violence never goes off and that it can work as an efficient instrument for modernization, territory reorganization and on the persistence of particular social order stability.