Ejecución hipotecaria : impotencia del consumidor

  1. Sánchez Hernández, Raquel
  2. Jordá García, Rafael
Revista jurídica de la Región de Murcia

ISSN: 0213-4799

Year of publication: 2013

Issue: 46

Pages: 1-40

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista jurídica de la Región de Murcia


The social relevance reached by the current increase in the mortgage foreclosures forces the legal doctrine to analyze the most important legal implications that they involve. Both from a substantive and a procedural perspective, the present study, after addressing the evolution of the regulations applicable to the consumers regarding the mortgage loans, it analyses the most controversial court decisions issued on the matter, and how, ultimately, the principle of legal certainty prevails. Additionally, a special reference to the dation in payment and to the problems arising from consumers� insolvency is made, as well as their impact on the bankruptcy field.