Aristóteles: la construcción de la episteme. Una propuesta metodológica para la ciencia de hoy

  1. García Marqués, Alfonso
Daimon: revista internacional de filosofía

ISSN: 1130-0507

Year of publication: 2011

Issue Title: Razón, crisis y utopía. (V Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Académica de Filosofía)

Issue: 4

Pages: 241-254

Type: Article

More publications in: Daimon: revista internacional de filosofía


Modern philosophy has been characterized by a particular interest for the scientific method. This proposal has been constituted as a novum organum against Aristotle�s vetus organon. However, after four centuries of efforts, we find only anarchy or inefficiency in the proposed methods; therefore, a rehabilitation of the Aristotelian method has been attempted. This paper attempts to seek, first, if the cognitive procedures proposed in the Analytica are the method of philosophy or, rather, describe procedures of other sciences; and then, the true method of philosophy and the episteme in general would have to be found in the Topics: «Our treatise proposes to find a line of inquiry whereby we shall be able to reason [...] about every problem propounded to us» (Topica, A 1, 100a 18-21). Second, it presents what the Aristotelian dialectic consists in and proceeds as a philosophical method, «applied to the philosophical sciences» (Topica, A 2, 101 a 26-27).

Bibliographic References

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