Pseudoartrosis humeral en fractura obstétrica tras osteomielitis aguda hematógena

  1. Juan José López Martínez
  2. César Salcedo Cánovas
  3. Antonio Alarcón Zamora

ISSN: 1888-6116

Year of publication: 2013

Volume: 24

Issue: 3

Pages: 141-143

Type: Article

More publications in: Trauma


Introduction: Neonatal infection is an important morbimortality cause that occurs in the first week of life and it is a consequence to maternal genital microorganisms during partus. Neonatal sepsis is a sudden and multisys- temic disease, standing out the infection by klebsiella pneumoniae , with an approximate mortality of 60%. Its association with acute hematogenic osteomyelitis has a difficult diagnose with severe income complications. Acute hematogenic osteomyelitis associated with an obstetric fracture needs surgical treatment because of its infectious importance and its possible evolution to pseudoarthrosis. Case report: Newborn with a loss of fetal wellness and entrance to intensivity care unit because of neonatal sep- sis, with an abscess in his left arm that drains spontaneously and a positive biopsy to klebsiella pneumoniae . An- tibiotic treatment with cefotaxime and vancomycin is started without any improvement after 20 days. Surgical treatment is decided with a cleaning procedure and stabilisation with external fixator, with a proper evolution of his sistemic clinic. Related to the obstetric fracture, non-union is appreciated with an evolution to atrophic pseu- doarthrosis. A new surgical intervention is decided with the contribution of autologous bone graft from iliac crest and a new external fixator, with a complete bone union in two months and the clinical case solution. Conclusion: Obstetric fracture associated to acute hematogenic osteomyelitis is a low frequency episode that must be diagnosed and surgically treated with external fixation and autologous bone graft, with possible com- plications as pseudoarthrosis