Seguridad y Privacidad en Historiales Clínicos Electrónicosuna Revisión Sistemática de la Literatura

  1. Carrión Señor, Inmaculada
  2. Toval Álvarez, José Ambrosio
  3. Fernández Alemán, José Luis
  4. Oliver Lozoya, Pedro Ángel

ISSN: 1698-7969

Year of publication: 2011

Volume: 7

Issue: 26

Type: Article

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This study reports the results of a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) related to security and privacy of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and identifies what EHR audit approaches exist. We extracted 605 articles using a predefined search string and review the outcome of this by three authors, while another checks it. In total, we selected 24 papers, of which 17 mentioned standards, the most of them were related to privacy and security of EHR data. Ten studies mention that EHRs must be encrypted. Four studies propose the use of pseudoanonymity technique to maintain patient´s privacy. Three articles propose to use a digital signature scheme to guarantee data authenticity and integrity. Finally, eleven review studies perform a system auditlog. In re cent years standards have been designed and directives have been promulgated in order to reach homogeneous EHR systems and, therefore, interoperable EHR systems. However, EHR systems have not been defined using the actual standards and this hinders the interoperability of them.