Tratamiento de la arbitrariedad del signo lingüístico en los humanistas españoles de los siglos de Oro

  1. Hernández Sánchez, Eulalia
  2. López Martínez, María Isabel
Revista de investigación lingüística (RIL)

ISSN: 1139-1146

Argitalpen urtea: 2012

Zenbakien izenburua: Cuestiones de Historia de la Lengua y documentos

Zenbakia: 15

Orrialdeak: 207-222

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista de investigación lingüística (RIL)


The arbitrariness of the linguistic sign is one of those issues that has led to countless refl ections throughout history. Its origin dates back to classical antiquity, as it is present in the well-known controversy that arose in Greece between natural and conventional. Coseriu shows the transmission of the concept �arbitrariness of the sign� from Aristotle to Saussure, lacking, however the reconsideration of this principle given by the Spanish humanists of the Golden Age. Given this epistemological vacuum we have thought it advisable to publish the treatment our humanists of these centuries offered on this principle. Therefore, we believe that this work would bridge the gap that is in Linguistic Historiography treatises.