1. Prieto Sánchez, María Dolores
  2. Sainz Gómez, Marta
  3. Fernández Vidal, Mari Carmen

ISSN: 1983-3415

Argitalpen urtea: 2012

Alea: 10

Zenbakia: 3

Orrialdeak: 48-78

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: AMAzônica


In this work we tackle the most relevant events in Spain about the Gifted and Talent (G&T) students identification and attention to their educational needs. The history of G&T education in Spain, could be divided into two periods: The first period covers mainly the decade of the 80�s when the earliest significant studies aroused in our country; while the second period covers from the 80�s to nowadays, when giftedness and talented are being considered an important matter in the educational system. Along this historical revision, firstly, the origins of the study of giftedness in Spain are analyzed. Secondly, the earliest studies conducted in the 80�s in the Spanish university are gathered and revised. Thirdly and fourthly, the early and the more recent studies conducted in the Region of Murcia (Spain) by research of the high abilities research group, a pioneer in the impulse of G&T education, are commented. Fifthly and sixthly, the model of identification and educational provisions of The Canary Islands community (Spain) is analyzed, and the studies conducted at the University of Navarra (Spain) are revised. Finally, a series of conclusions derived from the studies are drawn.