Subtipos de lectores retrasados en español

  1. Cuadro, Ariel
  2. Marín Serrano, Javier
Ciencias Psicológicas

ISSN: 1688-4094 1688-4221

Year of publication: 2007

Year: 1

Issue: 2

Pages: 133-148

Type: Article

More publications in: Ciencias Psicológicas


With the purpose of identifying and demonstrating the characteristics of dyslexic subtypes in the Spanish language (phonological and superficial dyslexics), 42 subjects with reading disabilities were assessed in the 4 th , 5 th , and 6 th elementary grades as well as 90 subjects with normal reading ability in the same grades and 78 subjects with normal reading ability on a lower elementary grade but equivalent reading ability. Group performance was analyzed in tasks that involved phonological and orthographic processing. Using a regression analysis methodology we find some variations in the distribution of the subtypes of subjects with reading disabilities. The idea that the types of phonological and superficial dyslexia are different in severity degree in the phonological disorder and the cognitive resources available to compensate for it is applied (Snowling, 2000). The transparency of the language, as well as the reading experience, favors the learning of the grapheme-phoneme rule, improving the reading accuracy of non-words.

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