Orquitis crónica esclerosante post-traumática en un toro de lidia

  1. Seva Alcaraz, Juan
  2. Pallarés Martínez, Francisco José
  3. Martínez Gomariz, Francisco
Anales de veterinaria de Murcia

ISSN: 0213-5434 1989-1784

Argitalpen urtea: 2006

Zenbakia: 22

Orrialdeak: 99-106

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Anales de veterinaria de Murcia


A case of a 4-old-year Lidia bull that suffered a goring from another Lidia bull in the field is described. Following surgical treatment the bull was sent for bullfighting. At the ante mortem inspection prior to the bullfight, the right testicle was found to be smaller and harder compared to the left testicle. Samples for histopathology were taken and microscopic examination revealed a reduction of the size of the seminiferous tubules that presented a narrow and sinuous shape. An infiltrate mainly composed by mononuclear cells and extensive fibrosis in the interstitial spaces were also observed. The definitive diagnosis was post-traumatic unilateral sclerosing chronic orchitis.