Frecuencia cardiaca, formas de organzación y situaciones de juego en baloncesto

  1. Enrique Ortega Toro
  2. José Manuel Palao Andrés
  3. Carmen Puigcerver Mula
Revista Internacional de Medicina y Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte

ISSN: 1577-0354

Any de publicació: 2009

Volum: 9

Número: 36

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Revista Internacional de Medicina y Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte


Introduction: The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of task organization and different game situations on intensity and of repetitions in basketball. Method: A quasi-experimental design with twelve players group of 12, 4 ± 0, 7 years-old average was done. Three training sessions about lay-up was realized. The independent variables were task organization and different game situations. The dependent variables were heart rate and number of repetitions, and player´s perception about intensity and work. Results: a) statistically significant differences in heart rate between the status of 1x0 and 2x2 (p =. 014), and trends towards significance between the situation of game 1x0 and 3x3 (p =. 065), b) were statistically significant differences in heart rate between the situation frequents gaming 1x0 circuit on the rows (p =. 027) and forms involving simultaneous moves (p =. 000), and the game situation 1x1 between rows with respect to the ways games with simultaneous participation (p =. 014); c) The effect of the interaction between the game situation factor and type of organization was statistically significant (F6, 42 = 9,256, p =. 000 ). Are statistically significant differences in the number of operations performed by the players on the combination of the four game situations and the three types of organization. Conclusions: a) The groups in circuits had a greater number of repetitions and intensity perceived, b) the groups in games through forms showed greater heart rate and more repetitions, and c) the group in rows presented no value to excel regard to the task structure. From the collected data, it is deduced that depending on which are the objectives of the sports abilities, will be more useful adapted to use a type of organization or another one.

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