Envelopes of commutative rings

  1. Parra, Rafael
  2. Saorín Castaño, Manuel
Notas de matemática

ISSN: 1856-7800

Année de publication: 2009

Volumen: 5

Número: 1

Pages: 13-38

Type: Article


Given a significative class F of commutative rings, we study the precise conditions under which a commutative ring R has an F-envelope. A full answer is obtained when F is the class of fields, semisimple commutative rings or integral domains. When F is the class of Noetherian rings, we give a full answer when the Krull dimension of R is zero and when the envelope is required to be epimorphic. The general problem is reduced to identifying the class of non-Noetherian rings having a monomorphic Noetherian envelope, which we conjecture is the empty class.