¿Es Dianthus charidemi Pau planta murciana?

  1. Alcaraz Ariza, Francisco J.
  2. Carrión Vilches, Miguel Ángel
  3. Aznar, Laura
  4. Rejos, Javier
  5. Lahora Cano, Agustín
Studia botanica

ISSN: 0211-9714

Argitalpen urtea: 2007

Zenbakia: 26

Orrialdeak: 57-66

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Studia botanica


We have studied the status of Dianthus charidemi Pau in the province of Murcia (Spain). Detailed herbarium study has been performed and the exploration of the potential area was done in 2006. The territory has been deeply modified along the last 30 years and we have concluded that this plant is probably absent of this territory. The management and conservation policies on the area should take into account this conclusion.