La frontera enquistadael Reino de Murcia a fines de la Edad Media

  1. Jiménez Alcázar, Juan Francisco
  2. Molina Molina, Ángel Luis
Meridies: Estudios de historia y patrimonio de la Edad Media

ISSN: 1137-6015

Ano de publicación: 1996

Número: 3

Páxinas: 51-60

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Meridies: Estudios de historia y patrimonio de la Edad Media


With the end of the great conquest of the 13th century, the frontier with the recentIy founded Kingdom of Granada remained practically stagnant. The present article studies the situation in the Murcia territory and the effect the presence of this neigthboring border had in the area. A reference is made to the organization of the territory and to the concentration of populations in large centers like Lorca, Caravaca, and Cehegín among others. It al so alludes to the function the Murcian border served as a place of polítical refuge in relation to the internal disputes that defined the region during the 15th century. All of this allows the author to present a panorama of the reality of the Murcian region during the last century of the Middle Ages, and to analyze the repercussions that the disappearance of the Nazarí Kingdom of Granada had on the Murcian territory afier its surrender in 1492.