Estudio faunístico y ecológico de los coleópteros y heterópteros acuáticos de las lagunas y humedales de Albacete (Lagunas de Ruidera, Salinas de Pinilla, Laguna del Saladar, Laguna del Salobralejo, Lagunas de Corral Rubio, Fuente de Isso y Fuente de Agua Ramos)

  1. Millán Sánchez, Andrés
  2. Velasco García, Josefa
  3. Moreno Ortego, Jose Luís
Sabuco: Revista de estudios albacetenses

ISSN: 1577-2969

Year of publication: 2001

Issue: 2

Pages: 167-214

Type: Article

More publications in: Sabuco: Revista de estudios albacetenses


With the present work we have completed fue extensive study on aquatic coleoptera and heteroptera communities in the lagoons and wetlands of Albacete. It includes wetlands not studied before such as springs, salines, emblematic and protected sites such us Ruidera Lagoons, and a representative number of endorreic lagoons. We recorded 129 species, 102 belonging to coleoptera, and 27 to heteroptera, 6 of them new for Albacete province. These data suppose, for both taxa, one of the highest species richness values observed in the Iberian península. Furthermore, we found a total of 12 endernics species, all of them coleoptera. It is remarkable Graptodytes castilianus, and the exclusive endernic from Albacete Ochthebius irenae. We also found Enochrus salomonis, a disjunct species from Mediterranean basin that is very scarcely spread in the Iberian península. Among the heteroptera, it is interesting to mentían two rare iberian species, Parasigara perdubia and Paracorixa concinna. The principal human impacts were the land transfonnation for agriculture and the groundwater sobreexploitation. We also recognised another important impact in some wetlands, such as fue water eutrophication and community simplification, in several cases, by the dejection of a high density of birds. The Pinilla complex is the most interesting site for conservation, owing to the high environmental heterogeneity, including salt and fresh waters, presence of salines with singular value, and a high number of species (90) and endernisms (7). The Ruidera lagoons, have a less species richness and endernisms, in spite of their higher extension and status of "Natural Park", that can be explained by the tourist and urban pressure