Colonialismo y postcolonialismo como contenido temáticopropuesta de unidad didáctica para la clase de lengua inglesa
- Cerezo García, María Lourdes
- Dueñas Vinuesa, María
ISSN: 0211-5913
Argitalpen urtea: 2002
Zenbakia: 45
Orrialdeak: 67-80
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses
In this paper we offer a methodological proposal for a syllabus developed on the basis of Content-Based Language Instruction. The subject selected is Colonialism and Postcolonialism, and the syllabus has been designed to integrate an advanced level course in EFL within the English Studies (Filología Inglesa) program. For this purpose, we provide information about the methodological framework; justify the suitability of the subject-matter proposed, and end up describing the syllabus, including its objectives, contents, sequential organization and class activities. As a sample, we offer a detailed unit chosen among the ones that integrate the syllabus.