Respuesta erosiva de cuencas, corregidas mediante diques de retención de sedimentos, ante lluvias de alta densidadcuenca del río Quípar, Sureste de España

  1. Alonso Sarria, Francisco
  2. Martínez Lloris, Mariano
  3. Romero Díaz, María Asunción
Papeles de geografía

ISSN: 0213-1781

Year of publication: 2001

Issue: 34

Pages: 191-204

Type: Article

More publications in: Papeles de geografía


The erosive response of two sub-basins after a severe rainfall event is analysed. These basin drain to the Alfonso XIII reservoir (basin of the Quípar river, affluent of the Segura river). Lithology, slope and length of the riverbeds, and basin surfaces of 29 hydrological correction dams, are calculated by digitized maps, to scale 1:5.000, and field studies. All these variables are related to the sedimentation held in each one of the dams in that rainy event. Basins where marls is the main rock formation show greater sedimentation, with a complete lack of sediments in the gypsum ones, possibly because of their greater infiltration capacity. Large basins show also greater sedimentation. The location of some dams, for the purpose that they are supposed to fulfil is questionable.