Límite de detección de mycoplasma agalactiae en muestras de semen ovino

  1. Prats-van Der Ham, M.
  2. Tatay-Dualde, J.
  4. Paterna, A.
  5. Corrales, J.c.
  6. Sánchez, A.
  7. Contreras, A.
  8. de la Fe, C.
XLI Congreso nacional de la sociedad española de ovinotecnia y caprinotecnia (SEOC): XVII congreso internacional SEOC
  1. María Jesús Alcalde Aldea (coord.)
  2. Valentín Pérez Pérez (coord.)
  3. Raúl Bodas Rodríguez (coord.)
  4. Juan José Mateos Fernández (coord.)
  5. Manuel Sánchez Rodríguez (coord.)

Publisher: Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia SEOC

ISBN: 978-84-608-8680-8

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 490-494

Congress: Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia (SEOC). Jornadas (41. 2016. Talavera de la Reina - Toledo)

Type: Conference paper


Ovine and caprine males have been identified as a risk factor concerning thetransmission and maintenance of contagious agalactia (CA), especiallywhen they are used for reproduction without an adequate sanitary control,because these individuals may carry micoplasmas associated to this diseasewithout showing any apparent symptoms. In this sense, it has recently beenconfirmed that Mycoplasma agalactiae (Ma) can be excreted in semen ofboth small ruminant species. Hence, it becomes necessary to determine thedetection limit of the available diagnostic techniques as well as theconcentration of microbial pathogens present in different samples so as toassess if they are infective or not. The aim of the present study was to definethe detection limit of Ma in ovine semen through the experimental inoculationof this agent. Our results show that the applied DNA extraction and PCRtechniques are able to detect the presence of Ma in samples with aconcentration of 105-106 CFU/ml, which is thus the minimal amount ofmicroorganisms present in ovine semen samples diagnosed as positive forMa.