Vigilancia epidemiológica de las infecciones por mycoplasma agalactiae en los rebaños caprinos del núcleo de control lechero de la región de Murcia

  1. A. Gómez Martín 1
  2. J. Amore 1
  3. C. de la Fé 1
  4. F. Moya
  5. P. Martínez 1
  6. J.C. Corrales 1
  7. A. Contreras 1
  8. A. Sánchez 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Murcia

    Universidad de Murcia

    Murcia, España


XXXIII Jornadas Científicas y XII Internacionales de la Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnica y Caprinotenia: Almería, 24-27 de septiembre de 2008 : producción ovina y caprina, nº XXXIII SEOC

Publisher: Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca ; Junta de Andalucía

ISBN: 978-84-8474-246-3

Year of publication: 2008

Pages: 322-326

Congress: Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia (SEOC). Jornadas (33. 2008. Almería)

Type: Conference paper


To know the status of Mycoplasma agalactiae infections in the herds ofthe “Núcleo de Control Lechero de la Región de Murcia para la raza Murciano-Granadina (NUCOLEMUR)” we designed an epidemiology surveillance programjoining 51 volunteer farmers. In the previous stages, we had followed the statusby microbiological and RT-PCR procedures of the bulk tank milk samples.Theses samples were collected into the Official Dairy Control schedule. Usingthe same laboratory procedures we also analysed individual goat milk samplesfrom goats with clinical mastitis or suspect of contagious agalactia syndrome.The program started in December 2007 and two whole samplings have beencompleted for all herds involved in the program. Four infected herds for M.agalactiae. has been detected until now, which means that the 92.2% of theherds of NUCOLEMUR are free of this pathogen and which must be protect toavoid the introduction of this important pathogen by increasing the biosecurityrules. The improvement of the sensibility in the diagnosis by RT-PCR it is animportant fact which would helps to qualify correctly the chronic infected herdsand also could help to develop the fight measures against this pathogen.