Estudio microbiológico de sementales caprinos portadores auriculares asintomáticos de Mycoplasma spp
- A. Gómez Martín 1
- J.C. Corrales 1
- A. Sánchez 1
- J. Amores 1
- J. Martínez Parra 1
- A. Contreras 1
- C. de la Fe 1
Universidad de Murcia
Editorial: Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca ; Junta de Andalucía
ISBN: 978-84-8474-246-3
Ano de publicación: 2008
Páxinas: 318-321
Congreso: Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia (SEOC). Jornadas (33. 2008. Almería)
Tipo: Achega congreso
In the present work, several samples taken from a total of 3 malespreviously diagnosed as carriers of Mycoplasma spp. in the external ear, weremicrobiologically studied. No previous symptoms associated to contagiousagalactia were showed by the animals studied. Culture and PCR resultsidentified the presence of Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides LC in theexternal ear of all males studied and they also detecting this mycoplasmaspecies from different internal anatomical localizations of 2 infected males.