Argumentos misóginos en favor de las mujeres en la obra de Galeazzo F. Capra

  1. María Belén Hernández González
Voces disidentes contra la misoginia: nuevas perspectivas desde la sociología, la literatura y el arte
  1. García Valdés, Pablo (coord.)
  2. Gorgojo Iglesias, Raisa (coord.)
  3. Mayor de la Iglesia, Enrique (coord.)

Editorial: Dykinson

ISBN: 978-84-1122-641-7

Ano de publicación: 2022

Páxinas: 683-697

Tipo: Capítulo de libro


In the famous Querelle des femmes, the treatise by Galeazzo Flavio Capra (Milan, 1487-1537), entitled Della eccellenza e dignità delle donne (Venice, 1525), stands out. This work develops a complex comparison between the virtues of both sexes to lavish feminine perfection before a sceptical public and mostly reluctant to change mentality. Our paper analyses the misogynist presuppositions that Capra exposed, with the intention of refuting them later by opposing positive arguments. In addition, this study investigates the misogyny implicit in the author's positive discourse and to what extent he plays with the dialectic between the sexes for humorous purposes.