Contexto histórico de la primera ley de la dinámica

  1. Fernández Durán, E.
  2. Jiménez Gómez, E.
  3. Solano Martínez, I.
Ciencias para el mundo contemporáneo y formación del profesorado en didáctica de las ciencias experimentales: Actas de los XXIII Encuentros de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales, Almería 9-12 de septiembre de 2008
  1. Jiménez Liso, María Rut (coord.)

Éditorial: Editorial Universidad de Almería (edual) ; Universidad de Almería

ISBN: 978-84-691-5088-7

Année de publication: 2008

Pages: 574-582

Congreso: Encuentros de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales (23. 2008. Almería)

Type: Communication dans un congrès


This paper is a continuation of two previous ones that weresubmited to 11º Encuentro Ibérico para la enseñanza de la Física and toXX Encuentros de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales. In both ofthem, the essential objective was to delimit the motion’s first law, becausethis one is the door to the magnitudes of the Physics. In this paper, weinsist on both, the historical and conceptual conditions of the newtonianstatement, we emphasize what is the newtonian contribution ascontrasted with all the previous and following ones, that are atributed tohim. We insist on the subjects of the animism and the changes of statethat were treated in previous papers. Furthermore, we included aclarification on the descriptive partiality of the newtonian statement that isknown as the Newton’s First Law and whose complement is the linealmomentum. Questions such as the need of make a explicit recognition of the translation states, are emphasized in the conclusions because that isfundamental in order to programme a teaching in agreement with thestudent’s mental progress. That explains its relevancy in relation to thephysics teacher education.