La teledetección en la planifi cación territorial. Aplicación de técnicas de clasifi cación para la elaboración de cartografía de los usos del suelo

  1. P. Pérez Cutillas 1
  2. J.C. González Rojas 1
  3. J.A. Palazón Ferrando 1
  1. 1 INUAMA
El empleo de los SIG y la teledetección en planificación territorial: aportaciones al "XI Congreso de Métodos Cuantitativos, SIG y Teledetección", celebrado en Murcia, 20-23 de septiembre, 2004
  1. Conesa García, Carmelo
  2. Granell Pérez, Carmen
  3. Álvarez Rogel, Yolanda
  4. Meer Lecha-Marzo, Angela de
  5. Cos Guerra, Olga de
  6. Silió Cervera, Fernando (coord.)

Verlag: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Murcia ; Universidad de Murcia

ISBN: 84-8371-486-8

Datum der Publikation: 2004

Seiten: 27-41

Art: Buch-Kapitel


Due to the continuous change that the different uses of the soil in the territory endure, and due to the importance that the planning of the territory has, it is noteworthy to evaluate the use of both Remote Sensing and the Geographical Information System (G.I.S) in the fast and economical tracing of the landscape transformations. The use of G.I.S. and of Remote Sensing has transformed the processes of geographical elaboration in a radical way, solving satisfactorily the problems derived from the lack of data and the diffi culties that their actualization imply, such as time availability and lack of economic resources. The use of cartographies with good temporary-spatial resolutions, help us to determine the processes that have intervened in the different changes of the territory. The actual study is predominantly of a methodological nature, having as its main goal the checking of the adequacy of the Remote Sensing techniques for the study of the uses of the soil and the processes of change. An important aspect worth mentioning is the application of free software (GRASS) for the whole image processing and for its subsequent analysis in the G.I.S. The body of the study is focused on the contrast of the different methods of classifi cation of two areas with a different surface, comparing and analysing the results of both classifi ca- tions. Two areas have been chosen for that purpose. One of a minor scale and presenting relative landscape homogeneity, that is, the area of the Lorca ́s district called Coy (Page 1: 25.000 – 932-1); and another, of a bigger scale and with a high environmental complexity, which is the case of the region of Murcia; where, as in the rest of the Mediterranean regions, there has been an enormous change in the surface occupation. In short, the aim of the actual paper is the use of these technologies as the tools to improve and to accelerate the cartographic processes in order to develop a correct and adequate management of the territory.