Una metodología para la cartografía de riesgo de heladas en cultivos

  1. Alfredo Pérez Morales
  2. Salvador Gil Guirado
Revalorizando el espacio rural: leer el pasado para ganar el futuro : XVII Coloquio de Geografía Rural, Colorural 2014, Girona, 3-6 de septiembre de 2014
  1. Pavón, David (dir.)
  2. Anna Ribas Palom (dir.)
  3. Sandra Ricart Casadevall (dir.)
  4. Anna Roca Torrent (dir.)
  5. Isabel Salamaña Serra (dir.)
  6. Cristina Tous de Sousa (dir.)

Verlag: Documenta Universitaria

ISBN: 978-84-9984-253-0

Datum der Publikation: 2014

Seiten: 791

Kongress: Coloquio de Geografía Rural (17. 2014. Girona)

Art: Konferenz-Beitrag


A methodology for mapping risk of frost in crops Frost is one of the atmospheric phenomena that produce greater economic damage on the spanish agricultural activity. The murcia field is particularly sensitive to such events due to a series of changes in their production methods over the past decades that have led to an increased vulnerability to that hazard. Under these circumstances, localization studies such as the present one are needed, in order to identify the main risk areas and then, proposing performance measures.