¿Cómo enseñar a construir predicados a partir del léxico verbal?Análisis del enfoque didáctico de los manuales de E/LE y propuestas de mejora

  1. Celia Berná Sicilia 1
  2. Lidia Pellicer García 1
  1. 1 Universidad Católica San Antonio

    Universidad Católica San Antonio

    Murcia, España

    ROR https://ror.org/05b1rsv17

Propuestas didácticas innovadoras sobre enseñanza de lenguas y gramática
  1. Montserrat Pérez Giménez (coord.)

Éditorial: Universidad de Valencia = Universitat de València

ISBN: 978-84-608-8223-7

Année de publication: 2016

Pages: 45-62

Type: Chapitre d'ouvrage


In recent years, methodologies focused on purely formal or purely communicative aspects were the protagonists in the teaching of verbal skills to facilitate the construction of predicates in the S/FL classroom. This situation has caused problems in the linguistic- communicative competence of non-native speakers. Some of these problems relate to the difficulties for learners creating predicates. This work aims at showing the approach adopted in some of the S/FL manuals to teach verbal vocabulary and argument structure. The main objective of this research is to detect possible deficiencies that allow us offer some suggestions for improvement in teaching and learning processes in the S/FL classroom in relation to verbal behavior. The results suggest, according to the analysis of S/FL manuals, that it would be advisable to mitigate the impact of grammatical and functional paradigm in the teaching of the verbal lexicon and that it is necessary to complement the communicative approach with valencial and cognitive perspectives to improve the verbal skills of FL learners of Spanish.