Paisaje y patrimonio cultural en las montañas de Yecla (Región de Murcia)

  1. G. Ballesteros Pelegrín
  2. M.A. Sánchez Sánchez
Treinta años de Política Agraria Común en España: Agricultura y multifuncionalidad en el contexto de la nueva ruralidad
  1. Ruiz Pulpón, Ángel Raúl (coord.)
  2. Serrano de la Cruz Santos-Olmo, Manuel Antonio (coord.)
  3. Plaza Tabasco, Julio (coord.)

Publisher: Óptima

ISBN: 978-84-87087-03-5

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 486-495

Congress: Coloquio de Geografía Rural (18. 2016. Ciudad Real)

Type: Conference paper


Yecla mountains harbor a significant natural and cultural heritage, as a result of the relationship between man and environment. This relationship has printed a certain character to the yeclanas mountains from very early times, resulting in characteristic landscapes. In this paper the historical, cultural and landscape aspects of the mountains of Yecla are analyzed, evaluating its equity and valuing their contribution to heritage both the municipality and the rest of the Region of Murcia. The results show that the mountains of Yecla home to an important natural heritage, corroborated by the statements of some of them as protected areas (Parks Regional) and / or as Sites of Community Importance (SCI) and included in the Natura 2000 Network European Union and areas declared world heritage. All these elements give equity to the mountains, among which are the mountains of Salinas and Las Pansas, both listed as regional parks. In addition to the mountains of El Serral, Gavilanes and Ox, cataloged as LIC.