Una experiencia educativa con el cuento electrónico en un aula de educación infantil para el desarrollo de la competencia digital

  1. Amat Muñoz, Laura María
  2. Serrano Pastor, Francisca José
  3. Solano Fernández, Isabel María
Redes educativas: La educación en la sociedad del conocimiento
  1. Morales Lozano, Juan Antonio
  2. Barroso Osuna, Julio Manuel

Publisher: Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla

ISBN: 978-84-940062-0-3

Year of publication: 2012

Pages: 1-10

Congress: Redes educativas. La educación en la sociedad del conocimiento (1. 2012. Sevilla)

Type: Conference paper


In this work we present a digital storytelling designed on the basis of Information and Communication Technologies for pupils between three and six years old. This multimedia resource, called the TICinventos story, is contextualized in an innovative experience which promotes both digital and communicative competences. This research was carried out in a state school in the Region of Murcia. The qualitative data analysis of the information obtained from the pictures and oral outputs of the pupils and their teacher shows the pedagogical value of the experience and the learning of the before-mentioned competences. In this paper we explain the design and development process of this digital storytelling, adapted to the individual and learning-style characteristics of students at this leve