Iconografía, patrimonio y Semana SantaEl legado de Antonio Riudavets Lledó en la provincia de Alicante

  1. Iborra Torregrosa, José
  2. Antón Hurtado, Fina
Arte y Semana Santa
  1. Vidal Bernabé, Inmaculada (coord.)
  2. Cañestro Donoso, Alejandro (coord.)

Editorial: Hermandad del Cristo

ISBN: 978-84617-5145-7

Any de publicació: 2016

Pàgines: 83-104

Congrés: Congreso Nacional, Arte y Semana Santa celebrado en Monóvar (1. 2014. Alicante)

Tipus: Aportació congrés


The present work stems from our concern to know the difficult cultural universe in which the popular religion from the province of Alicante has been historically confined. Particularly, it is our aim to analyze, from a historical and anthropological view, the popular plastic manifestations that characterize the religious festivity known as the Holy Week. These artistic representations are considered as part of the sacred art belonging to the historical heritage of our region and which have been kept and disappeared alike throughout time. With this goal in mind, we would like to offer a general overview regarding the life and work of the sculptor Antonio Riudavets Lledó (Mahón, 1813-San Juan (Alicante), 1897). He has been mainly known for the different works of art he made for the brotherhoods that make up the Holy Week in Alicante; all this surrounded by hard and disturbing times in Spanish history.