Fraseodidáctica basada en tecnologías digitales

  1. Solano Rodríguez, María Ángeles
Unidades fraseológicas y TIC
  1. González Rey, María Isabel (coord.)

Publisher: Instituto Cervantes

ISBN: 978-84-695-6413-4

Year of publication: 2012

Type: Book chapter


In this information society, our students are used to the Internet, to online tools and to knowledge sharing on the web 2.0. ICT has a motivational effect on them, which is reversed when they are undergoing traditional learning environments. In this paper, we adopt a constructivist approach, and assume that ICT can have a positive impact on learning phraseological units in a foreign language. After reviewing current technological teaching resources, we analyze their potential in education, and reflect on how opportunities can be best developed and exploited to improve the specific field of Phraseodidactics in foreign languages. The multiple benefits offered by ICT in this respect include enabling students to access phraseological units in a real context, improving their understanding through the use of multimedia resources, and facilitating real time or delayed interaction with other students or with native speakers.