An approach to Spanish economic discoursethe usage of corpus and glossaries to translate the untraslatable "untraslating" the translatable

  1. Orts Llopis, María Angeles
  2. Almela Sánchez-Lafuente, Ángela
A survey of corpus-based research [Recurso electrónico]
  1. Cantos Gómez, Pascual (ed. lit.)
  2. Sánchez Pérez, Aquilino (ed. lit.)

Editorial: Murcia: Asociación Española de Lingüística del Corpus, 2009

ISBN: 978-84-692-2198-3

Año de publicación: 2009

Páginas: 1070-1090

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro


The present study aims at dealing with the analysis of terms of art, in the Spanish discourse of Economics. The swiftness with which economic phenomena are taking place in the context of the 2008 Credit Crunch, and need for precision and accurateness in the deployment of technical terms somehow explain the plethora of English loans in the Spanish discourse of economy, in the shape of direct or indirect borrowings. Through the analysis of an ad hoc corpus of economic news-items from specialised, semi-specialised and divulgative digital periodicals in the field of finance and economics, the aid of three financial bilingual glossaries intended for the specialised Spanish-speaking community, and the deployment of a specific taxonomy on linguistic incorporations, our paper shall try to cast a light on the terminological problems that the translator faces when dealing with economic language in Spanish, its incorporations from English, and the way in which these are tackled by standardized sources.