La enseñanza de las matemáticas en el Real Seminario de Nobles de Madrid (1760-1808)

  1. Carrillo Gallego, Dolores
  2. Sánchez Jiménez, Encarna
La Constitución de Cádiz. Genealogía y desarrollo del sistema educativo liberal: XVII Coloquio Nacional de Historia de la Educación. Cádiz, 9-11 de julio de 2013
  1. Espigado Tocino, M. Gloria (dir. congr.)
  2. Gómez Fernández, Juan (ed. lit.)
  3. Pascua Sánchez, María José de la (ed. lit.)
  4. Sánchez Villanueva, Juan Luis (ed. lit.)
  5. Vázquez Domínguez, Carmen (ed. lit.)

Publisher: Sociedad Española de Historia de la Educación ; Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de Cádiz

ISBN: 978-84-9828-437-9

Year of publication: 2013

Pages: 35-46

Congress: Coloquio de Historia de la Educación (17. 2013. Cádiz)

Type: Conference paper


Mathematics were an important subject in the studies of the Royal Nobles Seminar of Madrid, as explained in the Constitution of this institution. This work deals with the mathematical contents that were studied in that Center, using as a source the public exams that took place there every two years, and contrasting them with the mathematical texts written by the teachers of that institution