New classification results under the Marshall-Olkin shock model

  1. Belzunce Torregrosa, Félix
  2. Ortega Pastor, Eva María
  3. Ruiz Gómez, José María
XXVI Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa: Úbeda, 6-9 de noviembre de 2001

Éditorial: Jaén : Universidad de Jaén, 2001

ISBN: 84-8439-080-2

Année de publication: 2001

Congreso: Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (26. 2001. Úbeda)

Type: Communication dans un congrès


Many biological and engineering systems consist of components for which an assumption that the life lengths are independent is unrealistic. Therefore, several multivariate extensions of some ageing classes have been considered in the literature. On the other hand, the DRLLt and NBULt classes have been defined by comparisons of residual lives in terms of Laplace order. In this paper, we define new bivariate ageing classes as extensions of the DRLLt and NBULt classes. Also, we provide new classification results for the new bivariate classes under the Marshall-Olkin Shock Model, which is defined as a bivariate extension of the homogeneous Poisson shock model.