La rentabilidad social en las radios públicas locales. Comparativa de aplicabilidad del indicador IRSCOM en Andalucía y la región de Murcia

  1. Sánchez-Hernández, José Antonio
  2. Chaparro Escudero, Manuel
Ambitos: Revista internacional de comunicación

ISSN: 1988-5733 1139-1979

Argitalpen urtea: 2019

Zenbakia: 43

Orrialdeak: 135-159

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.12795/AMBITOS.2019.I42.07 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openIdus editor

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Ambitos: Revista internacional de comunicación


The public radio station concessions as a democratic conquer of the local governments, ruled by the Law since 1991, give answer to a firm decision so as to vertebrate territories, give social cohesion, participation, values and to promote the cultural identity. This article aims to establish the local radio social rentability keys for improving the provision of an essential service. This investigation also aims to know how radio stations are distributed and articulated along the autonomous Region of Murcia and to replicate the IRSCOM tool (Social Rentability in Communication Index) developed for the Communication and Culture Laboratory COMandalucia from the University of Malaga, within both the I+D+I “I+D+I. CSO2011-29195 National Plan and the Excellence Project of Investigation. P10 TIC 6593 (Junta of Andalusia): “The radio and local television in Andalusia: current situation and social impact”, so as to determine whether the communicative needs are covered for what they are conceived. This investigative experience starts from the application of the IRSCOM indicator in more than a hundred of radio stations in Andalusia. This experience of replica has gave us the opportunity to understand the situation of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia (CARM) and to establish a comparison among the stations that have been analysed.

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