Aproximación a la pobreza de capacidades en las ciudades de Murcia y Pueblaun análisis de las implicaciones de la segregación socio-espacial y de sus relaciones estructurales con la exclusión social

  1. Sánchez Martí, José Antonio
Dirigée par:
  1. Antonio Losa Carmona Directeur/trice
  2. María Isabel Angoa Pérez Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 23 février 2022

  1. Prudencio José Riquelme Perea President
  2. María Concepción Pérez Cárceles Secrétaire
  3. Jazmín García Gómez Rapporteur

Type: Thèses


The general objective of this thesis is to analyze the implications of socio-spatial segregation and social exclusion in poverty of capabilities. To come to fruition, we formulate four specific objectives. In the first one, we evaluate and measure the phenomenon of socio-spatial segregation. In the second one, we establish a methodology to identify and characterize vulnerable territories. Third, we know the situation in terms of poverty of capabilities of residents in vulnerable territories. Finally, we develop a method to analyze the instrumental effect of social exclusion on the poverty of capabilities. When it comes to evaluating the poor situation, maybe the best way to obtain the best answer is by asking them directly how they live. For this reason, primary information has been collected through surveys of private households on their living conditions and subjective perceptions. The field work has been developed during the first semester of the years 2018 and 2019, for Murcia and Puebla, respectively. Moran indices have been used to measure segregation. The measurement of poverty of capabilities is based on the family of FGT indices. In the analysis of the instrumental effect of social exclusion, the statistical techniques used are principal component analysis and structural equation models. We are facing two very different cities in terms of the nature of their social processes. Thus, Murcia is an impoverished city, while Puebla is an impoverished and socio-spatially segregated city, that is, it is dual. Socio-spatial segregation is a phenomenon on the rise for both cities. Likewise, it implies negative implications on the poverty of capabilities, specifically, through an increase in the scale of socio-spatial segregation, which translates into an increase in territorial vulnerability. In this way, the residents of the dual zones of the city present a greater intensity and depth in the poverty of capabilities than the rest of the residents in the other vulnerable zones. To identify the vulnerable territories of each city, we have designed an alternative and universal methodology that we call Socially Vulnerable Zones (SVZ). It has even been contrasted with official methods and studies, matching, or improving the results. In addition, we present a new concept: the structure of capabilities, which has been statistically validated. Thus, some relationships between capabilities deprivation are more important than others, where we highlight the guiding character of social discrimination. In turn, this concept establishes the bases for measuring the instrumental effects of social exclusion on the poverty of capabilities. In this way, we argue that social exclusion in its instrumental aspect has a moderate effect in explaining the deprivations suffered by the resident population in vulnerable territories. In fact, the percentage is similar for both case studies.