Estresores de los estudiantes del grado de enfermería de la Universidad de Murcia durante la pandemia del COVID-19

  1. López Mellado, José
Dirigée par:
  1. César Carrillo García Directeur
  2. Laura Martínez Alarcón Directrice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 30 novembre 2021

  1. María Teresa Labajos Manzanares President
  2. María Emilia Martínez Roche Secrétaire
  3. Isabel Morales Moreno Rapporteur
  1. Enfermería

Type: Thèses


For nursing students, to do clinical internships is deemed essential to their training. These internships will allow them to relate the theoretical contents and knowledge, which had been previously gained, to the healthcare practice developed at the various healthcare centres. Likewise, it is also important that students do their clinical internships at several healthcare departments, in view of the wide scope of actions usually carried out by nursing professionals. The general purpose was to analyse the stressors of students that will become Nursing Graduates from the Faculty of Nursing of the University of Murcia. The research design has been established as a quantitative, descriptive, observational, non-experimental and cross-sectional design. The study population is made up of students that enrolled for the subject “Evidence-based Clinical Practice and Nursing” of the Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing from the University of Murcia during the academic year 2020/2021. The instrument used to gather data was the scale validated by Zupiria et al in 2002: “KEZKAK: bilingual (Spanish/Basque) questionnaire to measure nursing students' stressors in clinical practice”. The relevant permits were requested and obtained from the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Nursing of the University of Murcia, and the statistical analysis was carried out with the statistical software SPSS v.23 (SPSS Inc., USA) and Statsgraphic Centurion 18 (Statgraphics Technologies, Inc., USA). The results of this study evidence that the five stressors with the highest value of “very much” on the Likert scale are, from the highest to the lowest, the following: “to make a medication error”, “not to do my work properly to the detriment of patients”, “that the patient touches certain parts of my body”, “to make a blunder”, and “that a patient lodges a formal complaint against me”. As regards sex, there are statistically significant differences, and they are always related to women. There are also statistically significant differences relating to age, the centre where the internship was done, and whether the internship was done during the pandemic. We could conclude that the correlations between stressors have a negative impact on: “the overall assessment of internships”, “the fear of contagion from a patient”, “that the patient fails to respect the student”, “to work with patients with communication difficulties”, “to have to carry out painful procedures with the patient”, “to have to work with aggressive patients” or “that a patient of the opposite sex makes advances to the student”