Diversidad e ideología de los grupos conservadoresla quinta columna de Cartagena (1936-1939)

  1. Lopez Bayardo, Jesus Andres
Supervised by:
  1. Pedro María Egea Bruno Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 26 June 2018

  1. Cristina Roda Alcantud Chair
  2. Diego Victoria Moreno Secretary
  3. Manuel Luna Samperio Committee member
  1. Modern, Contemporary and American History, History of Thought and Social and Political Movements

Type: Thesis


DIVERSITY AND IDEOLOGY OF THE CONSERVATIVE GROUPS. THE FIFTH COLUMN OF CARTAGENA. (1936-1939). During the Spanish Civil War, espionage activities, diffusion, clandestine struggle, resistance and sabotage took place, both in the Francoist and Republican zones.These groups, depending on the zone where civil and military control is established, were configured according to the success of the military uprising. In Cartagena the military uprising by the opposites to the republic was not consummated. This city with numerous military and naval installations, and with a port in excellent conditions of defense, and maritime traffic, contributed to be one of the most important bastion of the republican government. Immediately to the neutralization of the uprising in the city, arrests and shootings are established by the leaders of the Popular Front. In addressing the issue of reference we set the following objectives. A) The origin of the fifth column of Cartagena, and its typology. B) Diversity and ideology of its members and those who formed it. C) The infiltration of the fifth column in the rearguard and its activities. D) Determine the events of March 5th in Cartagena. E) Analyze the work and consequences that the fifth column had during the civil war and the fate of its actors. F) The fifth column in the postwar period. Regarding the work methodology, an extensive work of compiling objective data and duly researched and reasoned has been carried out, with broad scientific supports, in which they cite important sources, which are described in five different blocks: unpublished, oral, documentary, hemerographic and bibliographic. Conclusions. The fifth column in Cartagena, known as "white relief and fight against Marxism", did not produce a consecutive and correlative period so that, it contributes to a stable resistance to be able to originate acts of strategy of war like:sabotage, logistics, information and attack against the republican army, specifically against the Popular Front militiamen.On the contrary, the only relevance that took place in the city was the constant bombings that the Francoist aviation carried out.On the contrary, the only relevance that took place in the city was the constant bombings that the Francoist aviation carried out.However, it is accredited the specific actions, both individual and structured in base networks of people who risked their lives and social status,in sometimes suicidal actions of espionage, sabotage, logistics, and the most characteristic the humanitarian one before the barbarism that certain members of the Popular Front of the place, committed in retaliation for the bombings of the national aviation, against the city, or the successes of the campaigns of the pro-Franco army