La convivencia escolar en la Región de Murcia desde la teoría del desarrollo positivo

  1. Ros Perez Chuecos, Rita
Dirigida per:
  1. María Ángeles Hernández Prados Directora
  2. María Angeles Gomariz Vicente Directora

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 20 de d’octubre de 2020

  1. Presentación A. Caballero García President/a
  2. Joaquín Parra Martínez Secretari
  3. Roberto Sanz Ponce Vocal
  1. Teoría e Historia de la Educación

Tipus: Tesi


Coexistence in schools is a disturbing issue. The increase in cases of violence, bullying, conflicts... highlighted the relevance of the issue. So far, the analyses carried out on this subject have been based on school coexistence from the point of view of the countervalue. This study will analyze school coexistence from another approach focused on positive psychology and human development. The objective is to analyze the state of coexistence in which schools in the Region of Murcia are located through the perception that students have. In this sense, the present thesis aims to know those aspects that occupy a prominent place in the development of adolescence with respect to the positive strengths and their relationship with the climate of the classroom, posing the general objective of: To know the most positive aspect of the adolescent in relation to the human strengths and the classroom climate of the students who attend the stage of Compulsory Secondary Education in educational centers of the Region of Murcia, which has been delimited by the following specific objectives: 1) Identify the level of strengths and human development, 2) To explore the state of coexistence in which schools find themselves through the perception that students have and 3) To determine the extent to which the analysis of school coexistence in the educational center relates to the level of human development and strengths of students. The methodology used in our research is based on an analytical empirical approach, which aims to explain and relate the different variables that are studied. The design of this paper is a nonexperimental, exploratory research of a descriptive nature, whose basic purpose is to describe, analyze and interpret a series of data and variables of a given reality, that allows us to observe facts and collect relevant data, in this case, about the relationship between positive development and classroom climate in adolescents. The research is quantitative and is a survey-type study, in which indirect observation has been used as a data collection technique, using two standardized instruments: Questionnaire on Human Strengths (Peterson and Seligman, 2004) and Questionnaire to evaluate the Class Climate in Secondary Education (López-González and Bisquerra, 2013). In short, one of the main conclusions of this study is to show how the personal strengths of adolescents influence their way of perceiving the classroom and center climate. Therefore, the greater the development of certain strengths and their associated values, including Perseverance and Leadership, the perception of the adolescent classroom climate will be more positive, and in parallel, the emergence of conflicts of coexistence will be prevented. The higher the self-perceived level of these strengths, the more positive will be the adolescents' perception of group leadership, so the teacher-student relationship, the orientation to the task and the order and organization established in the classroom will be more positive. Likewise, we can conclude that the strengths Gratitude, Kindness and Openness to Experience are positively related to Satisfaction and involvement, which facilitates having a more cohesive group-class, from the perspective of the participating adolescents. At bottom, a little of each of the Fortresses explored is necessary/required for a more positive classroom climate to exist/exist. Fortresses are basic ingredients for a positive, inclusive and peaceful coexistence.