Pedagogía de la alteridad y práctica docenteun estudio comparativo entre México y España

  1. Pedreño Plana, Marina
Dirixida por:
  1. Ramón Mínguez Vallejos Director
  2. Eduardo Romero Sánchez Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 15 de outubro de 2020

  1. Pedro Ortega Ruiz Presidente/a
  2. María Rosa Buxarrais Estrada Secretario/a
  3. Alberto Gárate Rivera Vogal
  1. Teoría e Historia de la Educación

Tipo: Tese


Abstract This research addresses school education in its most primal sense, that is, as a relationship that is established between the teacher and the student with an educational purpose. This pedagogical relationship has its own particularities that distinguish it from interpersonal relations of any other typology. One of the educational approaches that is concerned with what happens in the encounter between teacher and student, as well as with outlining the particularities of the educational relationship established there, is the pedagogy of otherness. This pedagogical perspective is based on the thought of the philosopher Emmanuel Lévinas, who places the other as the vertebral axis and starting point of his understanding of human morality. For Lévinas, the other is the source of all meaning and his presence conditions one's moral conduct by questioning the origin of individual freedom. This questioning originated by the presence of the other is what Lévinas calls ethics. Thus, this thinker will place ethics and, therefore, otherness in the foundations of all philosophical reflection, building a conception of the human based on the interpersonal relationship that is established with the other. Emmanuel Lévinas' theory of otherness has been widely studied from different perspectives, as it constitutes a valuable approach in the search for answers to different problems. In fact, the volume of production in different disciplinary fields on the theory of this Jewish thinker has increased considerably since the end of the last century. In the case of pedagogical research, the implications of Lévinas' philosophy of otherness for education have been approached by educational scholars from different places and positions, and there is an extensive literature that supports that his conception of interpersonal relations entails another way of understanding the educational relationship. Nevertheless, the pedagogy of otherness constitutes a new educational approach, since the bibliographical review confirms the absence of concrete results derived from having educated from approaches related to Lévinas' ethics. Precisely, there is a lack of studies that address this educational approach from the point of view of educational practice in school contexts. The research included in this doctoral thesis aims to contribute to the adaptation and complementarity between pedagogical theory and practice, trying to identify some points of encounter between the academic debate that takes place among scholars of the subject and the educational practice that takes place in the classroom. The framework of reference assumed for this purpose is the constructivist paradigm and the approach to research is made from a qualitative perspective, adopting the form of a case study, insofar as it attempts to describe the particularities of a specific educational situation. At the same time, the research is located in two different scenarios, which are the Region of Murcia (Spain) and Ensenada (Baja California, Mexico), making it possible to compare the data collected in both contexts according to the same objective. The teachers' speeches are collected through a structured interview, using an instrument designed and validated specifically for this study (ad hoc) because no instrument was found available in the scientific literature for this purpose.