El perfil del entrenador excelenteun análisis en clubes de fútbol de categoría infantil, cadete y juvenil

  1. Maestre Baidez, Miriam
Dirigée par:
  1. Francisco José Ortín Montero Directeur
  2. Enrique Javier Garcés de Los Fayos Ruiz Directeur

Université de défendre: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 12 décembre 2019

  1. María Dolores Hidalgo Montesinos President
  2. Antonia Pelegrín Muñoz Secrétaire
  3. Elisa Huéscar Hernández Rapporteur
  1. Psicología Básica y Metodología

Type: Thèses


Research goals The main goal of this research is to create an update profile of the excellent trainer spotting the disciplinary, methodological and academic tasks as well as the necessary psychological traits to carry out his/her professional career with top quality criteria. The following specific objecives are proposed to achieve this goal: to create a questionnaire for every group of the sport community (trainers, sport psychologists, young players and their parents or legal tutors) and use it to find out what fields form these profiles and their impact to set a professional profile of the excelent trainer. Methodology: the elaboration of the theoretical framework about the excellent trainer to create dimensions to set this professional profile (Disciplinary, Methodoloical and Personal) came first. This information was contrasted creating four focus groups formed by 32 people divided into: young teams trainers (n=9 experts), young players (n=12), young players' parents or legal tutors (n=8) and sport psychologists (n=3 experts). Some items were written with all the information obtained from the theoretical framework and the focus groups and a questionnaire was carried out with two different versions (one for trainers and sport psychologists and another one for young players and their parents or legal tutors) to identify the excelent trainer profile. This tool was given to 1160 people divided into young teams trainers (n=157), young players (n=504), young players' realtives or legal tutors (n=418) and sport psychologists (n=81). Later, the satistical treatment of the obtained data through the satistical pack SPSS was undertaken, and the definition of the profile of the excelent trainer obtained in this research was proposed. Conclusions: there is a professional profile which characterizes the trainers considered as excelent within their sport community. This excelent trainer's professional profile combines skills and tasks related to two wide dimensions personal and disciplinary-methodological. Personal Dimension (the trainer's personality traits). Disciplinary-methodological Dimension (Command of techniques, knowledge and strategies for the teaching and learning process). In the setting of the professional profile for the best valued trainers by the sport community, the characteristics and competences of the personal dimension are considered more important. It is regarded as less important the disciplinary dimension for the profesional profile setting, linked to the methodological dimension in this research. The main proposal obtained from the results of this research refers to the initial formation of future trainers. Federations and clubs have regarded as sufficient the fact that trainers have access to information about their sport, that are authorised by the federative formation levels and/or they know how to express their technical-tactical knowledge to give them a team. However, with the aforementioned results, especially those regarding the importance of the personal dimension in the excellent trainer profile, a revision of the courses that authorise the different levels of federative formation must be proposed due to the fact that this formation includes a longer period dedicated to the methodological-disciplinary part, and does not stress the contents related to the personal dimension of the trainer, being also the most difficult part to acquire.