Regeneración de la musculatura lingual de ratas hemiglosectomizadas mediante el trasplante de células madre progenitoras derivadas de músculo sobre matriz acelular de vejiga urinaria de cerdo
- Lacal Lujan, Jose
- Nuria García Carrillo Director
- Fabio Camacho Alonso Director
Defence university: Universidad de Murcia
Fecha de defensa: 13 December 2019
- Francisco José Gómez García Chair
- Francisco Molina Miñano Secretary
- Mariano Alberto Sánchez Siles Committee member
Type: Thesis
The main objective of this study was to apply tissue engineering for muscle repair (ITRM) in the regeneration of the lingual musculature of hemiglosectomized rats, by transplanting muscle-derived progenitor stem cells (MDPSCs) on acellular of urinary bladder matrix (AUBM) of Pig Material and Methods: A total of 80 adult Lewis male rats had a homogeneous defect on the left side of the tongue through a lesion with volumetric muscle loss (PVM). The rats were then randomized into four groups (n = 20 per group): Group 1 (MAVU + MDPSCs), Group 2 (MAVU), Group 3 (MDPSCs) and Group 4 (Control). The MDPSCs for Groups 1 and 3 were obtained from the paraspinal muscles of a syngeneic neonatal rat. The animals were weighed on day 0 and at the time of euthanasia. Five rats of each group were sacrificed on days 2, 14, 28 and 42 and their tongues were processed for morphometric macroscopic analysis (percentage of the surface of the lingual dorsum occupied by PVM), postoperative weight of the left hemitongue (difference in mg between the weight of the control side - the weight of the operated side), and histological study (degrees of inflammation and fibrosis). Results: The order of greatest to lowest weight gain of the animals and presence of new tissue was MAVU+MDPSCs > MDPSC > MAVU > control, where the MAVU+MDPSCs group changes the statistically significant differences (p?0.05) in comparison with the other three groups on days 14, 28 and 42 for the two variables. The order from lowest to highest percentage of the surface of the lingual back occupied by PVM, difference in mg between the weight of the control side - the weight of the operated side, and the degrees of chronic inflammation and fibrosis was MAVU+MDPSCs > MDPSCs > MAVU > control, where MAVU+MDPSCs changed different differences (p?0.05) with respect to the other groups on days 2, 14, 28 and 42 for the percentage of the surface of the lingual back occupied by PVM, and for the difference in mg between the weight of the control side - the weight of the operated side. Conclusions: The use of a porcine MAVU and MDPSCs construct for the regeneration of the lingual musculature of hemiglosectomized rats has proved to be an effective ITRM treatment for the repair of lesions with PVM.