Factores laborales que inciden sobre el estado de bienestar psicológico, satisfacción y estrés en el personal de enfermería dentro del área quirúrgica hospitalaria

  1. Ferraz Mesa, Maria De Los Angeles
Supervised by:
  1. Carmen Barberá Ortega Director
  2. María José López Montesinos Director
  3. Laura Martínez Alarcón Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 15 January 2020

  1. Concha Rivera Rocamora Chair
  2. Marzena Mikla Secretary
  3. Francisca Sánchez Ayllón Committee member
  1. Nursing

Type: Thesis


Since a long time ago, the objective that nursing wants to achieve is to provide a good range of quality care for patients/clients. This could be said to be the main aim of this profession. To be able to accomplish this, it is essential to have high levels of psychological well-being within the staff by stablishing a good working environment. In return this will increase work performance and work satisfaction within workers. However, contrary to this, the current situation shows that the nursing community (Degree of Nursing and Health care Assistants) has been affected by high levels of stress in the work environment, and nurses currently experience higher levels of stress-related burnout compared to other health professionals. (Khamisa, N., Peltzer, K., and Oldernburg, B. 2013). The goal of this study was to highlight those factors that affect the psychological well-being, work satisfaction and stress levels in the nursing staff (Degree of Nursing and Health Care Assistants) within the surgical área of a hospital. To this aim, we have used a questionnaire as a measurement tool to stablish those levels and to find the reasons for this. The questionnaire consisted of a section with sociodemographic questions and the following scientifically validated questionnaires, Goldberg General Health Questionnaire (GHQ28), Labor Satisfaction Questionnaire S10 / 12 of J.L. Meliá and J.M. Peiró (1989) and the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). To create this questionnaire, a bibliographic search was carried out in primary, secondary and tertiary sources using different databases. This researh is a quantitative, descriptive/observational study of prevalence (cross-sectional), observational and retrospective. The questionnaire was delivered by an interviewer, with dichotomous and polycotomic Likert scales. The sample used were by means of a causal or incidental sampling, directed to the Registered Nurses and Health Care Assistants who are working in the surgical area of the Doctor Negrín University Hospital and the Maternal-Insular Hospital Complex, which provide care to surgical patients and immediate post-surgical's hours, therefore staff from the operating room, URPA, REA and CMA areas were included. The results show the following: a relationship can be established between the dependent and independent variables; There is a relationship between labour satisfaction and work stress; the relationship between labour satisfaction and general health wellbeing is negative; the relationship between work stress and general health, is positive and significantly the highest of all comparisons (rho-Spearman of 0.683% and p = 0.001). The conclusions of this study are as follow: the level of psychological well-being is optimal, the median is 19%, taking into account that the lowest value is 0%, this being the best level of general health and the highest 84% being the worst level of health, subjects have very good general health status, since their value is much closer to 0%. Although this could be improved by increasing the Labor Satisfaction and decreasing the Labor Stress improving social and labour factors; Regarding Labour Satisfaction, the median is 58%, the minimum value being 12%, the maximum level of dissatisfaction and the highest 84% as the highest level of satisfaction. Here the median is closer to the best value, which can be interpreted as most of the subjects having good levels of job satisfaction. Although this does not reach its totality, leaving room for improvement, which suggests that intervention is desirable; Regarding Work Stress, the median value is 0%, it is the best value, since it would be interpreted as less stress and the maximum value 56%, as the maximum level of stress. Here the median is 22%. That is interpreted as having a low level of stress, but intervention could be recommended to bring it closer to the lowest possible level. Between the three studied dimensions. it can be observed that this is where the level is higher.